Purchasing a whole school subscription?

Your whole teaching team can gain unlimited access to Pobble's inspiring writing content with a school subscription.

You can purchase Pobble 365 and moderation subscriptions for all your staff members billed centrally to your school or organisation.

How much does a whole-school Pobble subscription cost?

For our up-to-date pricing and offers, please visit the pricing page.

Why buy for your school?

Any teacher you add will be able to access all our Pobble writing prompts, including Pobble 365, weekly writes and the cross-curricular topic writes. 

We already have a writing scheme, would we use this instead of or alongside our current plans?

Pobble is not a writing scheme but is an amazing resource to support the teaching of writing, Many schools also use Pobble content to support their Big Writes or alongside Talk for Writing and other schemes. Pobble is flexible and has the tools and content to support any approach to the teaching of writing. Read more about how Pobble supports your curriculum or current scheme here.

How much support do we get to introduce Pobble in our school?

We're here to support you in embedding Pobble into your school. We provide you with set-up support and can offer training for your team. We also provide a knowledge base, including video guides and resources to support you to launch Pobble effectively.

Can I see the evidence that Pobble works?

Our research study with UCL’s Educate programme shows that Pobble reduces teacher lesson planning time by 39% and improves pupils' speed, confidence and enjoyment of writing, leading to improved attainment. You can read our research report here.

You can also read our independent reviews on Edtech Impact here.


Need help completing your purchase? We've compiled some useful resources for common questions school leaders have:

  1. Need a new supplier form?
    Download our pre-filled form to make the process quick and easy.
    New Supplier Form

  2. Need a quote or proposal to get approval?
    We've got you covered.

We’re here to support you in making writing exciting and inspiring for every student. Don’t hesitate to reach out if you need anything else.