How do I add teachers to Pobble?

Add teaching colleagues via your Team page.

Prefer a short video walk-through? Watch our how-to video below or follow the instructions below. 


How to add your teachers

Anyone who is a Pobble administrator can manage who is part of your school on Pobble.

If you're an administrator, click your avatar, then "My Account", then "School settings".

You can add staff members by typing their email addresses in the 'add a teacher' field at the bottom of your teacher list. They will then be sent an invitation email to register with Pobble.



We recommend that you also send an email directly to your staff to tell them about their new Pobble subscription. We have provided some suggested text for you below.
Suggested text to include in your email to staff
I am delighted to let you know that the school has signed up for an annual Pobble subscription to support the teaching of writing in our school. You will shortly receive an invitation email asking you to activate your account. If you do not receive an email please let me know.
Once you have activated your account you will be asked to log in for the first time. The Pobble team have provided a useful onboarding guide on the site, please familiarise yourself with the platform and follow introductory steps.
In addition to the onboarding guide, we highly recommend you join a Pobble staff meeting. In the meantime, do watch Pobble's 'Getting Started' videos.
Their Knowledge Base is also full of useful hints and tips, as are a series of onboarding emails you will receive in the next couple of weeks.