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  2. Moderation
  3. Making the most of Pobble moderation

Moderation - implementation in your school.

All you need to embed Pobble Moderation in your school.


Once you have purchased a Pobble moderation subscription, we recommend working through the following steps over a series of staff meetings to launch Pobble moderation with your team.

As part of your subscription your school's English Lead and Assessment Lead can attend our training course on developing effective moderation processes free of charge. Make sure you have signed up for your place here.

1) Share the tool.
We recommend giving your team a quick demo of the tool before you launch or ahead of any colleagues attending external training sessions. This will also provide you with the opportunity to explain how you plan to use Pobble moderation in your school to support your writing assessment plans. There is a short video on our Pobble moderation page to help you.

2) Run your first online moderation discussion. 
Once your staff have logins to Pobble we suggest that you run a moderation discussion with them. As a starting point, we recommend that you share a writing collection you have created, or copied from our writing samples and that the focus for the staff new to Pobble is to get involved in the online discussion. This article explains how you can upload work and run your first online moderation session. This editable planning proforma will help you plan and communicate the purpose and format of your moderation session.

3) Ask staff to upload one or two writing collections and share them with colleagues.
Once your staff are more confident with using the tool they will be ready to share writing collections with each other or as part of a moderation staff meeting. As the Pobble leader, you can decide on the best format for sharing. We find it more effective if:
  • teachers are asked to create a maximum of 3 moderation files
  • each collection contains at least 4 pieces of work
  • files are shared in advance of a staff meeting
  • teachers are split into smaller groups/year groups to look at the writing collections online 
  • the Pobble leader is invited to all collections
  • conclusion is left at the end of every discussion.

4) Build up your own exemplification materials.
One of the most powerful features of Pobble moderation is the ability to mark a file as a 'School exemplar' to use in future years as an exemplification file in your school. As the Pobble admin, you will be able to choose which files you would like to add as exemplars.

5) Explore opportunities for cross-school moderation
As you continue on your Pobble moderation journey and staff are actively using the platform to support internal moderation your next step is to consider opportunities to moderate with other schools. Using the invite button you can ask teachers outside of your school to view an anonymous collection of writing and provide feedback.

If you would be interested in accessing more training for your English leader do contact us.
We are also available to help launch moderation in your school.
Contact our Pobble's Head of Assessment and Moderation Laura at laura@pobble.com to find out more.